Get involved with the practice to help us improve our service
What is the Patient Participation Group?
Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are a unique partnership between patients, GPs and their practice.
The PPGs
· help patients to take more responsibility for their health.
· contribute to the continuous improvement of services and quality of care
· foster improved communication between the practice and its patients
· provide practical support for the practice and help to implement change
The AMC patient group is open to any registered patient to join and currently meets four times a year on a Wednesday afternoon. At least one GP and a member of the practice management team attend the meetings.
The meetings are held to discuss matters relating to the services provided and how the PPG can assist the medical team with new initiatives. They are not a forum for discussing individual complaints or issues and members of the group do NOT have access to any patient information.
The group is also a member of the National Association for Patient Participation N.A.P.P.
The PPG can be contacted at
PPG Newsletter
- PPG_newsletter_Nov_2021.pdf
- PPG Newsletter. February 2021
- PPG_Newsletter_Nov_2019.pdf
- PPG_Newsletter_May_2019final.pdf
- PPG_Newsletter_Oct_2018.pdf
- PPG newsletter July 2018
- PPG newsletter Apr 2018.pdf
- PPG newsletter Nov 2017.pdf
- PPG newsletter Mar 2017.pdf
- PPG newsletter Oct 2016.pdf
Minutes of patient participation group
- Minutes110924.docx
- PPG_Meeting_Minutes_030724.docx
- PPG__Minutes_06th_May_24.docx
- Minutes060324Final.docx
- PPG_Meeting_Minutes_6th_Dec_2024.docx
- PPG_Meeting_Minutes_13_Sept_23.pdf
- PPG_Meeting_Minutes14_Jun_23.pdf
- PPG_Meeting_Minutes_01_March_2023.pdf
- PPG_Meeting_Minutes_7_December_2022.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_Sept_2022.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_March_2022.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_Oct_2021.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_July_2021.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_Apr_2021.pdf.pdf
- PPG_Minutes171220final.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_Sept_2020.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_Feb_2020.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_Sept_2019.pdf
- PPG_Minutes_July_2019.pdf
- PPG minutes March_2019.pdf
- PPG Minutes Jan_2019.pdf
- PPG Minutes Oct 2018.pdf
- PPG minutes July 2018.docx
- PPG minutes March 2018.docx
- PPG minutes Jan 2018.docx
- PPG minutes October 2017.docx
- PPG minutes July 2017.docx
- PPG minutes May 2017.docx
- PPG minutes March 2017.docx
- PPG minutes June 2016.docx